Category: News

  • VI:BE’s event “Where is My Mind? An inspirational day on mental health in the music business”

    Tameeza Henriot delivered a keynote speech at Ancienne Belgique for VI:BE’s event, “Where is My Mind? An inspirational day on mental health in the music business”. Tameeza spoke about some of the challenges facing the music industry and about the work Music Industry Therapist Collective is doing to support, as well as presenting the existing…

  • Tamsin Embleton interviewed in El Pais

    Tamsin Embleton spoke to David Saavedra at El Pais about gender x mental health in the music business. (The Spanish language version of Touring & Mental Health: the Music Industry Manual is out now! You can buy Giras Y Salud Mental, Manual de la Industria Musical from

  • Nerea Palomares on Spain’s Ràdio 4

    Nerea Palomares spoke to Irene Desumbila on Radio 4 (Spain) on 14th January about ‘Gires i salut mental: el perill de no parar’ (Touring and Mental Health: the peril of not stopping). They discussed how touring and its associated strains can cause long-term health issues when not artists and crew are not well-supported. You can…

  • ‘Managing your mental health as a DJ’ by Matt Cantor

    ‘Managing your mental health as a DJ’ by Matt Cantor

    This insightful article from Pioneer DJ dives into managing your mental health as a DJ, featuring valuable advice from therapist Matt Cantor / Freestylers, a DJ and member of the Music Industry Therapist Collective . With firsthand experience supporting music professionals, Matt sheds light on the mental health challenges DJs face—from relentless touring schedules to high-pressure…

  • Peter Robinson and Tamsin Embleton invited by UK Music to speak to the All Party Parliamentary Group for Music

    Peter Robinson and Tamsin Embleton invited by UK Music to speak to the All Party Parliamentary Group for Music

    UK Music has invited Peter Robinson and Tamsin Embleton to speak with politicians as part of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Music. The meeting follows a petition prompted by Liam Payne’s death, which calls for the music industry to take greater responsibility for the welfare of its artists. While significant progress has been made in…

  • Music, mental health and wellbeing research seminar at Aberdeen University with Dr. Susan Raeburn

    Music, mental health and wellbeing research seminar at Aberdeen University with Dr. Susan Raeburn

    Dr Susan Raeburn joins Dr Christina Ballico and Dr George Musgrave to discuss all things music and mental health. Susan is a licensed clinical psychologist in Oakland, California with a special interest in working with performing artists. She has published numerous articles on eating disorders, addictions and musician mental health and is a member of…

  • ‘Calm in Chaos’ workshop at the inaugural SET conference in New Orleans this November

    ‘Calm in Chaos’ workshop at the inaugural SET conference in New Orleans this November

    We are delighted that Dr K. Toi Washington-Simon is representing MITC at the very first edition of the Specialists in Entertainment Travel conference in New Orleans this November. Toi will present a workshop entitled ‘Calm in Chaos – Navigating Stress in the Entertainment Industry’, sharing her wisdom about the causes of stress, what to watch…

  • ‘Righting the Ship with Psychological Safety’ with MITC psychotherapists Whitney O’Malley and Jodi Milstein

    ‘Righting the Ship with Psychological Safety’ with MITC psychotherapists Whitney O’Malley and Jodi Milstein

    MITC’s specialist music industry psychotherapists Whitney O’Malley and Jodi Milstein join two veterans of the event safety world, Bryan Huneycutt and Teresa Beardsley to present ‘Righting the Ship with Psychological Safety’ in San Diego on November 14 at the Event Safety Alliance annual summit. Bryan is Co-Founder of the Safety Advisors Forum-Live Entertainment, a member…

  • MITC’s Chris Madden spoke to BBC News on Saturday about the tragic death of One Direction’s Liam Payne.

    MITC’s Chris Madden spoke to BBC News on Saturday about the tragic death of One Direction’s Liam Payne.

    He addressed the impact of achieving fame at a young age, addiction, and how the music industry could improve care provision for both artists and their teams. Madden also reflected on the what can happen when fame wanes, particularly the difficulties that can arise when the intensity of performing at such a high level diminishes. Watch his interview over on…

  • MITC’s resident French psychologist and therapist, Marie A Beau, wrote an article for APSARTS about how music touring is an elite sport …

    MITC’s resident French psychologist and therapist, Marie A Beau, wrote an article for APSARTS about how music touring is an elite sport …

      La tournée musicale, sport de haut niveau : préparation physique, mentale et sociale  A l’occasion de la semaine de de la santé des artistes organisée par APSARTS  Avec l’aide de Stephane Quoniam  Et Music Industry Therapists Collective  Tourner avec une série de concerts ! le rêve devient réalité mais au prix d’épuisements…